Friday, May 1, 2015

Live and Let Live

Although my beliefs line up more towards the right side of the political spectrum, I consider myself more of an independent. I like my rights to my guns un-infringed, my taxes low, and my liberty secured. I also think that abortion is a woman’s choice, stem cell research has tremendous value, and that marijuana should be legalized and taxed. I don’t get caught up with associating myself with a single party because that leads to narrow-minded thinking. I tend to take a straight forward, common sense approach to issues that come up. One of these issues, and the big one hitting SCOTUS, is the one about gay marriage and whether the states have the right to annul gay marriages based on their constitution. 

In America, heterosexual couples that are married count as married in every other state. Homosexual couples should be no different. There is no reason to disband a couple’s marriage because they want to relocate to a state with laws against gay marriage. Doing so would put gay couples in a second-class citizen status which is immoral not mention unconstitutional. 

The Constitution protects the right of citizens to marry and the question being brought to SCOTUS is whether or not gays are included in that right.

“No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

It sounds pretty straight-forward to me.

As an aside, I think it’s a little ridiculous why so many people are opposed to gay marriage. The main reasons for which are: “It’s against MY religion” or “You’ll go to hell!” or “Eww that’s icky.” Absolutely ridiculous. These same people are the ones who talk about keeping big government out of people’s lives, yet they want a nationwide ban on marriage between two consenting adults. Pushing their religious beliefs on someone else’s life and expecting the government to back them up is asinine. 

I say live and let live. There’s no logical reason to ban gay marriage and the states have no right to revoke people’s marriages. I predict a victory for the gay community in this case.

1 comment:

  1. Robert recently wrote a blog post titled Live and Let Live on his blog Hitting High and to the Right. As
    soon as I read the first paragraph of his post I was intrigued and kind of surprised.

    I read Robert's bio and the first two words were Steadfast Conservative. I did a little Google search
    and when I did the definition popped up on the Political Typology Groups and it said, "This overwhelmingly
    Republican group holds very conservative attitudes across most issues, including social policy and the size and scope of government. However, they are critical of business and Wall Street. Steadfast Conservatives also express highly negative attitudes toward immigrants and take a skeptical view of U.S. global involvement."

    I'll admit that I'm usually the type to cast people into Liberals and Conservatives stereotype. While I know people can vary on different stances and opinions I usually think if someone is a Liberal then they are a certain way or if they are conservative they are against certain things. I'm definitely going to be more open minded. I was intrigued by his whole post because he is honest, he admits he doesn't like to label himself or his party of choice, he admits what he believes in, and is open and straight forward. I not only appreciate that, I admire it.

    I'm a Christian, and I hate it when people say that it's against "MY" religion. Or that "its not natural" or "its a sin" Honestly it doesn't concern or affect them, they aren't God, and they shouldn't be pushing their religious beliefs on anyone.

    Robert brings so many different issues to light, makes valid points, and is well informed!
